
Your working parents carry stress that is affecting their engagement, their productivity, and your bottom line.



Of workers admit that they are stressed. 
-American Institute of Stress



Say their greatest stressors are not work related.
-American Institute of Stress



Say personal problems affect their work and that they need help managing this stress.
-Bensinger, DuPont & Assoc.



Feel exhausted by the stress and guilt caused by less quality time with their kids.
- Pew Research Center


They don't usually talk about it, 
but your working parents are struggling. 
Helping them is the only thing we think about. 

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Engage them

Through an extremely entertaining live experience that shows you care about what they care about most. (We provide promo videos to insure high attendance.)


Relieve their burden

We give working parents clarity, and  answers to the questions they long to ask, so they feel less burdened and more in control.


Give them solutions

They will have a proven framework so they sleep better, laugh more, and are more engaged at work. 


Entertainment & Content

What makes this workshop so different?

Tyler Durman is widely known as North America’s most sought after speaker to parents, preteens and teenagers. He is the author of the bestselling book for parents, Counterintuitive, and each year speaks to almost 300,000 people about family and how to live inside a better story.


We look forward to connecting.

Please complete the form beloW OR
CALL: 808.652.8888

(Tyler travels from Orange County, CA and requires business class for (1) one, lodging and rental car reimbursement.)