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"The most powerful and entertaining parenting event I've ever seen."

– Katherine Pastor, National School Counselor of the Year


We help working parents reset their homes, so they

  • feel less guilt

  • more confidence

  • & closer to their kids


They'll understand their role and their children with such clarity, that they'll know how to create a culture at home where there's less conflict & guilt, greater quality time, & more laughter around their table.



Some of Our Content


How to press the reset button.

How to meet your child's greatest and most surprising need, so they'll feel close to you. 

Why lectures don't work, and which consequences do.

Understand why they want to respect you more than like you, as well as how to handle disrespect so it builds a friendship that lasts.

Entitlement: Where it comes from, and how to avoid it.

How to set limits so they feel you're on their side, and not their back.

How to avoid the #1 mistake that leads to rebellion.

Breaking through all the noise – how to listen so they will too.

Understanding stages of development and their changing needs.

The two most important conversations – when to have them and why.

What to do if your co-parent disagrees or parents differently.

Important transitions: Blending families, divorce, and relocation.

Tools to raise brilliant, self-reliant, & happy latchkey kids.

Conflict – When to react, and when to respond. 

How serving them all the time, doesn't serve them well.

Knowing when protecting, gets in the way of preparing. 

What to do if they want more freedom than they're ready for, while leaving them satisfied.



Specific Solutions

 All Things Screens

How to set limits that stick.

What limits are appropriate.

Why they test and how to respond.

Using social media as a tool to shape character.

Whether or not to search internet history.

When it’s appropriate to have their passwords.

How to spot a "covered trail” in your child’s online presence.


Time for Q&A

At Risk

The warning signs to look for.

When it's important to search their room.

Why you shouldn’t do it behind their back. 

How to do it with your child, in a way that creates intimacy.

Step-by-step guide and wording.


Special needs

Where to find help.

How to avoid isolation.

How to advocate for your child.




This workshop gives proven answers, strategies and tools so parents feel less weighed down, because they know how to create meaningful moments that reset their family culture.


Tyler’s Book

Counterintuitive offers wisdom through beautifully written, and often funny stories. Written for busy parents who are hungry for answers, but want something more than a dry, clinical approach.

If you're feeling overwhelmed or at a loss, this book will give you help and hope.